Friday, May 20, 2011

A New Adventure

With the daunting task of school behind me, I am now left sitting alone in nothing but silent reverie.  The yearning desire to climbing mountains and walk their ridgelines will always persist but perhaps it is time to unearth a different adventure… an adventure of experiences, travels, of different mountains, and a new meandering path.  I plan to return one day to the lands that call my name and sing the tune of my heart but for now I am stuck.  I am wedged between a very hot greenless flat dwelling and a burning desire for something more beautiful exhilarating and dangerous.  I’ve safely crossed raging rivers using bridges and sturdy trees for years… its changing. I am at the end of my towering resilient bridge.  Left with tottering rocks to play a perilous balancing act.  Will I fall in the uncontrollable swift waters or will the next rock hold strong? No doubt I will fall but I also know there will be rocks that have withstood the endless battering waters of time and hold as I stand upon it.  The trick is finding the ones that wobble just enough for you to keep your balance but allow for an excited giggle of relief.